Our Worship Philosophy
The highest purpose and calling of the church is to praise and worship God. We were created to worship God with our thoughts, feeling, words, and actions. As we worship in spirit and truth, there will come into our experience an admiration, adoration, astonishment and awe of the Almighty God leading to the experience of His Presence. To see and respond appropriately to the majesty and glory of the King of Kings is at the heart of worship. As the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted and magnified through Spirit-anointed praise, the Father will be pleased and the worshipers will gain a sense of profound humility, wonder, and submission. Such worship is nothing short of a dress rehearsal for the soon coming marriage feast of the Lamb. Revelation 19:6-9 The Father is seeking true worshipers. In a spirit-anointed worship service, the presence of God is so strong that even unbelievers sense it and declare "God is really among you!" Our worship services are characterized by the following:
Contemporary praise music and traditional hymns led by a praise team.
Involvement of the congregation by reading Scripture, praying or giving testimony.
Expository messages from Scripture that exalt Christ and build believers.