Our Church History
While pastoring Faith Bible Chapel in Rocky River, God put it on the hearts of Sue and Ken Radke to launch a new church in Strongsville. The idea was presented to the elders and given much deliberation, fasting and prayer. It was agreed to commission Ken and Sue to plant this new church according to Acts 13:3, and to give them one years financial support. Thirteen people from Faith Bible Chapel volunteered to go with them. On November 7, 1995, the first prayer meeting for the mission church was held in the Country Kitchen restaurant in Strongsville. Eight people were present including our first Strongsville resident. On December 3, 1995, the first worship service was held in Strongsville High School with 20 people present. A constitution was written, elders selected and incorporation papers for non-profit status were filed. Soon a nursery was set up along with Sunday School Classes, outreach Bible studies and seminars. In December of 1999, a warehouse/office complex was rented and converted into a sanctuary and Sunday School rooms. Youth Groups and Children's Clubs were launched. We moved into our present building in September of 2002. God gave this new work a vision of seeing spiritual revival come to Strongsville. Ken Radke has since gone to be with the Lord, but the work continues on at Strongsville Bible Fellowship.